What colour will my hopvine be?
Green fresh hop vines are a vibrant bright fresh green colour whilst our kiln dried vines are a more reserved sage green. Both will stay green for up to 1 year, they will slowly turn a golden brown under lights.
How big is each hop vine?
Each hop vine consists of two or three hop stems that have wrapped themselves up and grown around a naturally made coconut coir string. The vine grows to approximately 2.5-3 metres long and will be roughly 20cm – 30cm wide. Being a natural product they do vary, so please use this as a guide only. We only sell the full length Garlands but they are easy to trim down or cut up for small decorations.
Should I hang my vine immediately?
Never leave your vine in its box for long periods. Green fresh vines are a fresh produce and thus should be hung as soon as they arrive like fresh flowers. Follow the instructions below on handling and hanging. Kiln dried vines should be opened and hung as soon as possible, if they must be stored for a short period, open the box and store in a cool dry place. If the kiln dried vine appears exceptionally dry it can be stored in a slightly damp place where it will take in some moisture for a short period (overnight) prior to hanging.
How should I hang my fresh vine?
Fresh hops are cut and boxed straight from the field then immediately sent on a 24 hour courier to ensure they get to you as fresh as possible.
When the hop arrives take it out of the box and lay it out on a clean surface removing any fallen or unwanted leaf or stem length. Then hang immediately in a position clear of disturbance. They are a versatile product and can easily be wrapped around beams or columns. The hop will dry in situ so do not leave it unhung for long and never leave it in the box once it arrives.
Please remember to wear gloves and long sleeves when hanging to avoid the risk of scratches or skin irritation.
The hop stems are relatively strong, nails hooks and wire can all be used for hanging. Use dust sheets to avoid a lengthy clean up and any staining from hop flower pollen!
Please ignore any harmless bugs that may appear from your hop, these will escape or die off within a few days.
How should I hang my dried vine?
Dried hops are kiln dried before being boxed and sent out to you on your preferred delivery day. When the Dried Hop arrives carefully take it out of the box and lay it out on a clean surface removing any fallen or unwanted leaf or stem length. Then hang immediately in a position clear of disturbance.
They are a brittle but versatile product and can easily be wrapped around beams or columns. Real care must be taken but you can expect some shattering. Do not leave it unhung for long and never leave it in the box once it arrives.
Please remember to wear gloves and long sleeves when hanging to avoid the risk of scratches or skin irritation.
The hop stems are relatively strong, nails hooks and wire can all be used for hanging. Use dust sheets to avoid a lengthy clean up and any stain from hop flower pollen!