Bullion Hops

Is this the British version of Citra?
Bullion Hops

Flavour and Aroma

Zesty, spicy flavour with predominantly dark red fruit notes. A flavour packed UK hop that provides intense aromas. Is this the UKs version of Citra?


Zest, Orange, Blackcurrant, spicy.

Bittering Characteristics

Clear ‘New World’ characteristics producing a zesty, spicy flavour with predominantly organge and dark red fruit notes. It has a strong
flavour when used for dry hopping which some consider to be harsh. Often used for IPAS and trad. darker beers.

Flavour Intensity

10 /10


Bullion was bred by Prof Ernest Salmon at Wye College, Kent as a seedling under code Q43. It was raised in 1919 from seed collected as an open-pollination of wild Manitoban (Canada) BB1. It is a vigorous tall, conventional variety producing a heavy crop of large cones which pick easily. It matures early to mid season.

Hop Analysis

  • Alpha acid 5.3-9.5%
  • Beta acid 4.5-5.3%
  • Co-Humulone 47-50%
  • Total Oils 1.0-1.9%
  • Myrcene 50%
  • Selinenes <2%
  • Farnesene Trace