Sussex Hops


Classic trad flavours from a modern British hop



This is a new hop, found in 2005 on Gate Court, Northiam. Gate Court has been owned by the Cyster Family since 1919 and has been growing hops since at least 1900. Peter Cyster (b. 1934) has been actively involved in this for many years and has won prizes at hop exhibitions.

Sussex was a ‘chance find’ in a hedgerow and Peter Cyster cultivated it and propagated it because it looked very promising. It is an aroma hop, with low alph, typically showing some 4%. It is wilt tolerant, giving a reading of 65, and is reasonably tolerant of downy and powdery mildew. It is a very easy hop to grow, very vigorous, easy to propagate and a good climber.

Brewing trials locally yield a delicate flavour, not unlike Fuggle, with good flavour retention and it is probably best suited to a light ale.
