A growing trend around the brewing world is the use of wet hops to make a seasonal beer. Want to find out more? Contact us today.
Rather than dry and preserve the hops, we send out these fresh whole cones to add to the boil during harvest. The fresh hops contain lighter hop oils usually lost during the drying process giving each variety a different characterstic to its normal dried version. Supporting wet hops help to promote UK hop growers and thier vital role in the UK Brewing scene as well as giving publicans a point of difference, to celebrate early Autumn with a harvest festival – craft beer style. If you have’nt had a go make space in your calendar now to squeeze a harvest wet beer in this year.
As the hops dont last, time is of the essence to get these back to the brewery and into the brew. For more information, advice and to find out how this can work for you, get in touch with our team today.